I am seriously behind!!! It seems to be a struggle to get these things out now. Combo of no/poor internet and busyness.
After spending the night in
Lusaka we attempted to make our way back to Kabwe. Our plan was slightly foiled by the buses
being booked out all morning. However we
had another option, to taxi back, more expensive but better then waiting around
in Lusaka. Once we arrived back we went
to the OM base and did the dam walk which has water lillies (for Mum)
and then
had lunch at the fig tree café (mmmm lemon meringue pie for Dad AND
Not how we saw it, but the water lilly patch one evening. |
We then went to the Kabwe green
markets (different from the Livingstone markets, people don’t harass you so
much.) bought some veges, but I think the best bit of that was showing Mum and
Dad the fish and catepillars that are for sale there. Jono and I haven’t braved those yet! (Mum and
Dad weren’t keen either!)
Sunday we went to church. 4 hour Zambian church service for Mum and
Dad. Quite different I imagine. Perhaps they would like to comment about
it! It was quite challenging- a guy
talking about how God is good all the time, despite the fact he’s going through
struggles and couldn't really afford food that week.
Tuesday we took Mum and Dad to the airport at Lusaka it would have been great to have had them for longer, but a REAL blessing to have had them for the time they were here. We did a couple of other bits and pieces around Lusaka before heading home.
And why didn't I take any photos of this bit of the trip! I've had to pad it with other photos (ut oh! Out of sequence, hopefully I don't repeat them!) so it's more interesting.
The part week that was (post holiday)
Upon return from holiday, we discover OM base is
a hive of activity with the Love Africa conference coming up that weekend, I don’t think I’ve seen it
so busy, everyone with their jobs to do.
Wednesday Sandra and I taught the Bethesda
children as Brenda was away. What a
tiring morning! Huge respect to all the
teachers out there!! I suspect the task would have been easier could I have
spoken Bemba!
Just some more random Bethesda pics |
Beatrice actually smiling, which is amazing, as she normally cries! |
Jono took the Bethesda child mentioned earlier to the Dr. This finally happened after several
weeks of me prompting Bethesda staff that we should investigate why he hasn’t
been there for so long. It’s a
learning/educational process!
The community clinic had a good turn out, with regular patients, which is good.
The shoe ministry was back with a vengance! Jono thought that it was over when we left
for holiday. He’d left the shoes with
the UK shoes sorted on shelves. Some
people were going to tie them, count them and package them up. There are 2 lots of donated shoes some from
the UK and some from the US. We return
to find that all the shoes have been mixed up (although generally in separate boxes) and
piled at the back of the book store, blocking the garage door. They wanted to know how many there were, so
Jono went and asked who he thought had been in charge of the shoes in his
absence, only to find the shoes weren’t counted. So we spent most of Thursday moving
shoes. It took quite some effort (and
some muscles!) to move the boxes away from the garage door so we could open
it. Not the easiest task when there is
limited space and big heavy boxes! Then the US shoes had to be transported to
another location, which wasn’t ready till the end of the day. Luckily we had some helpers right at the end
of the day. However we didn’t finish. Friday was more of the same, shoes shoes SHOES!! One perk is that Bethesda (i.e. me) has acquired some lovely shoes for the children!
Random picture
One of the many Abnormal/es that go past |
Prayer thanks
- For safety while we've been travelling
- For the weeks holiday we've just had (more to come on that)
Prayer requests
- For continued safety on the roads
- That my physio registration will come through (haven't heard anything, sick of chasing)
- That we will really enjoy our time here (We've been feeling a bit busy/flat the last little while) and will connect well with locals and fellow missionaries
- That we'll put God in top spot followed by our marriage.
Bethesda prayer requests
- Wheelchair camp seemed to go off pretty smoothly, so thanks for that.
- On the way back from wheelchair camp one of the Lake Tanganika team ran over and therefore killed a two year old that ran out in front of the truck he was driving. He got out to try to help and was beaten up by the community (which is sad since it wasn't his fault), the truck was also beaten. Both he and the grieving family need your prayers.
- For unity amongst the team (different personality styles continue to be in conflict)
- For safety as we travel, we are heading up to Kitwe to visit another disability school.
- For the land application
- For healing for our patients
- For increased financial support
- For the Bethesda support groups to grow in number and spiritually.
OM prayer requests
- For the classes that have just started/about to start
- For finances to build dormitories.
- For the new leader (Melvin who has been leading OM Zambia is leaving for South Africa at some stage, I assume in the new year)