Saturday, 4 January 2014

Malawi ends (well the country doesn't)

Another wee update on us.  We are still enjoying spending time with family and friends.  We are still uncertain about what direction we'll take in the future.  

After spending about 3 days in Cape McClear we headed over to Mumbo island for a bit of 'luxury' for 3 days.  Mumbo island is located about 10km into the lake.  Our accommodation was a bamboo hut, that was upon a big rock over looking the lake.  

Our 'luxury' launch

See the hut on the massive boulder? That was ours!

The humble abode

Chilling in the hammock outside :)
We spent quite a bit of time snorkelling, kayaking and reading, we also did a little walking.  The water was lovely and clear.  

Saw this monitor lizard (went for a special walk to see it)

Jono exploring

Geckos having a feast around the light
The staff on the island did a good job of preparing nom nom nommy food, 2 course meals for lunch and 3 courses for dinner.  To Jono's delight we watched a wonderful thunderstorm one evening, unfortunately it was in the distance.  There was also another one, but it wasn't as good.  That time of year the clouds are much more interesting (as opposed to no clouds at all the previous 5 months), of course Jono is into looking at them, but I also find myself strangely attracted to trying find towering cumulus and CBs.  There were also some lovely sunsets :)

From Mumbo island we returned to cape McClear to commence our journey (of torture?) back to Kabwe.  The journey had an overnight break (or two) in Lilongwe, the place we stayed had air conditioning. I <3 air conditioning!!  Next day – 14 hours in a bus, sigh!  Inconvieniently there were a couple of stops that were over an hour, they weren’t even in good places, where you could shop or something.  On the plus side the stop at Chipata had a slight bit of entertainment – an electrical fire on top of a nearby shop.  The fire engine turned up after about 10 mins, with what appeared to be a bunch of people off the street that had just thrown on a hard hat.  How does a hard hat stop you from getting burnt?  Given the late arrival time in Lusaka (and being a little over bus travel for the day) we overnighted there.  Following morning we had a chilled out morning and then went to catch a bus home in the afternoon (with a fellow OM missionary who was also heading back).  We hopped on a bus around 2.30pm.  It didn’t leave until about 4.  And then spent about 30mins dawdling at another place in Lusaka.  I’m a bit over these slow buses that stop for too long!  What should have been a 2.5 hr journey became a 4 hour journey!

Despite all the travel there was a birthday party the following day, for one of the missionaires, at Ibis gardens which is about an hour out of Kabwe.  We had a lovely time eating, swimming, more eating and more swimming.  

Leaving things there sounds good!

Prayer thanks
- For safety while we've been travelling
- For the enjoyable times we've been having with family

Prayer requests
- For guidance about our future
- For continued safety as we still maybe travelling a bit in the next month
- For enjoyable times with family and friends
- For guidance about our future - yes this is here twice!  Because it's a big prayer item for us.

Bethesda and OM prayer items
- For a good refreshing time over the holiday period
- For the friends and family of Bernard (he was a missionary, not the Bethesda Bernard) who passed away recently.