The new (things we did)
- I had my first teaching session with the Bethesda mothers, I talked about contractures. Seemed to go ok I think!
- Jono had his first teaching session to the teacher training course, he talked about energy. That also seemed to go ok!
- I had my first physiotherapy community clinic. That saw 9 people who wanted physiotherapy. Very good turn out. But I was so busy, and very rusty with my musculoskeletal physiotherapy. It seems that some conditions here are not what I would have seen in NZ, which makes it even more difficult. And quite a few of them are chronic because they've not had physiotherapy offered to them before/can't afford it. I was exhausted that night.
- Jono went with Peter (He works with Bethesda also) to hand out letters to Makalulu (a community here). Bethesda ministry is looking to branch out there and start similar things to what they've started in Nakoli (another community here).
The Bethesda children playing a game |
The highs
- We went round to dinner at a missionary couples house on thursday which was lovely.
- We went to another braai on friday which happens every week, where some of the missionaries gather to hang out and chat. We attempted to go last week but couldn't find it due to a power cut - we couldn't see the house! They had another power cut this week, luckily we'd had a heads up about it, and better directions!
- Given, the child who was really sick last week, is doing better, the immediate issues have resolved. Her Mum continues to come to Bethesda so that's great.
- One of the kids at Bethesda, Eric hasn't walked really. I gave him a frame and he was able to do some by himself. That was kinda exciting. I need to go to visit their house to see if a frame would be suitable for home, not sure if it will be even enough at this stage.
Eric walking with the frame (Happy Karlyn) |
The lows
- The car we've been borrowing, the accelerator stopped working. They've put a temporary solution in, but we're having trouble finding parts for a permanent solution.
- We've been feeling a bit of culture shock about a few things. Talking to people on thursday and friday has definitely helped! One thing that's been a struggle for us culturally is that many Zambians ask white people for money, but often because white people are viewed as an opportunity to get free money rather than a genuine need. To give money to those who don't have a genuine need will likely help reinforce a culture of dependency, where some Zambians choose to look for free handouts rather than help themselves. Yet Jesus taught to "give to everyone who asks you". At this stage our understanding is the Jewish culture of Jesus' time rarely asked if it wasn't a genuine need, so for where we are we need to be discerning about what are the genuine needs God wants us to give to. But if you have any words of wisdom let us know!
The others
- Jono has been able to keep busy most of the time doing admin tasks and being a cheaufeaur. Thankfully he's been able to do some of my admin tasks, which has been super helpful as there is a lot I could be doing.
- I've been working with Gift. He's a missionary, he was working up at Lake Tanganyika (A day's journey away). About 2 years ago, just after he got engaged he was in a motor vehicle accident which has left him with a C6/7 spinal cord injury. This is a high level injury, leaving him with paralysed legs. He's an incredible guy. It's amazing how someone who's had such an injury can still be sold out for God. Such a challenge to me spiritually.
Me and Gift (pre the torture session AKA Physiotherapy) |
Back to England and of course a certain author of high calibre. . . (and of course Malcolm and Clare)
There was more Jane Austen to be had as Chawton was not too
far away, and it’s impossible to have too much Jane Austen. We went to the house
she lived in when she did a majority of her writing.
Fun times.
Clare and I outside Jane's house |
Two lovely ladies????? |
THE TABLE . . . |
We also had a pub lunch
and a walk along a nice valley also.
Whilst looking on a website (for more Jane Austen related things) we discovered that the ‘home’ of
Downton Abbey was not far away. After
much rearranging (as we were leaving for Uncle David Dixon’s the next morning)
and begging of the uncles (since it upset their plans) we managed to squeeze in a visit there also, much to
my delight. I didn’t know how realistic
it would be, the website said that all prebooked tickets were sold out,
and the place was only open for 3 days that month, and this was the last of them. But we got in, go us!! It was so worthwhile. We got to look around the grounds and go in
the castle. The castle had several rooms
in it which were used for filming. Sadly not allowed to take photos inside
Our rearranging included a couple of train rides, so we passed
through London again, with enough time to check out platform 9 ¾ at Kings
David came to collect us from Broadstairs railway station in Kent. We also received a warm welcome there and
lovely hospitality. We were able
to use the washing machine again – yay!
David displaying his special chair for us |
We went for a long but good walk along the Dover cliffs.
The place Dad D gave Mum D a special ring, I'm not impressed as I didn't get a ring :( |
And to
the Canterbury Cathedral for even song.
David also took us to a quaint little English village.
As David lives near the seaside there were a couple of waterfront walks. We also visited the church Mum and Dad Dixon
got married in, while David warmed up his vocal cords (AKA choir practice).
David has a few musical suprises for us - mine was watching part of the sound of music, sadly I couldn't finish it because we started too late at night.
At David's we also had a rare relaxing day, which was really nice to just chill out and catch our breath a bit.
David dropped us in Dover, where we collected a rental car
so Jono could brave the English motorways (which he did very well, no whoopsies!).
We visited briefly John Wyatt who’s a family friend of
Jono’s who is in Worthing.
From there, well you'll have to tune in next time :)
Prayer thanks
- We've continued to have safe travel
- Given's urgent issues have been sorted out
- That Given's Mum has continued to come along to Bethesda
- There was a good turn out at the community clinic (A little too good!!)
- Jono's foot seems to be gradually improving (however still requires some prayers!)
Prayer requests
- For continued safety on the roads
- That Given will receive appropriate treatment for the birth deformities.
- That Gift will continue to heal, ideally for a miraculous healing.
- That Eric will be able to walk by himself in the community, so wisdom for me with his physiotherapy.
- That Jono will be able to find things to do that match his giftings
- That we will find a replacement part for the car soon.
- That the Bethesda ministry would continue to grow. Things we're praying for are some land so we can build an intergrated school. A car for the ministry.
- For my physiotherapy registration to be sorted out. I'm waiting for a good standing certificate from the NZ physiotherapy board, they have been difficult to get hold of regarding it.
- That we'll deal with culture shock well
- That we will connect well with the locals and missionaries.
- That God will be our highest priority, followed by our marriage
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Karlyn and Jono