Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Vogelweiderhoff (Imagine it's being said like a teenage boy with voice breaking)

Austria - what a magnificent trip into the mountains as I mentioned previously.  Where else would one go when they only have a short time in the country but to the heart of the Sound of Music - Saltzburg.
Obviously if that's where you're going the Sound of Music tour is a must :) The weather was overcast, which was a slight shame, but better then the day we arrived, which was raining. 

The bridge the children ran over in the curtain clothes
I am 16 going on 17 . . .
The front of the house (they actually used 2 houses, a front half and a back)
The back half :)
Part of the opening scenery
Jono 'biking' through the green tunnel. 
The doe rae me steps
Inside the wedding church (movie)
Jono doing the "I have confidence" fountain splash
The Abby

I was going to insert a video of me running down the street singing "I have confidence" but it wont load (what a shame) so you're going to have to imagine it!

Saltzburg is a lovely city, even in the rain, imagine it when the weather is fine.  On the hour, you hear multiple church bells chiming, it sounds awesome!!

Many Steeples

In a Dad like voice "Look at those magnificent magnolias" :)
We also went past Mozart's house obviously

 We also went up the fortress that overlooks the city.

 The toilet doors on the footress

Are there any words?
Said fortress

View from the fortress

Us plus view from fortress - note mountain in background

From the fortress we spotted the gondola that goes up a mountian in action (note mountian in previous photo), Jono had heard about this, so with very vague directions and poor German we set off on a quest to find it.  That we did -just in time, the last Gondola to the top :)

So many good things - the fortress, the abby and the mountain :)
Yay we found it :)

Jono sporting some 'special' footwear!

Yea that's how high it went . . .

Pretty sweet view

Look closely - a cross in the distance (not the one we went to)
 Of course in Austria Schnitzel, strudel and gateau are a must

Jono thinks this is funny - 'Good fart'
Prayer thanks
- For the enjoyable time we've  been having.
- for safe travel thus far

Prayer requests
- For continued enjoyment and safety on our holiday
- That we'll cont to place God as highest priority and our marriage up there too
- My back continues to niggle, so healing/awesome core muscles
- Jono's foot has been playing up (old ankle injury) so that that would heal
- for the car for Bethesda (haven't heard anything further on that front)


  1. Great you're having such a wonderful time. It seems Austria is very beautiful. I imagine you will now want to watch "The Sound of Music" yet again. I look forward to your next post.

    1. I will be keen to see it again, but in the future. I've had the songs running around in my head since, that's 5 day's of Sound of music songs . . . actually it started earlier as I watched it on the plane over to get myself in the mood.

  2. Hi-gute fahrt! This is about 3rd time we've tried to 'blog'! Here's hoping! I went to a Schubert concert today-thought of you, as there were many 'farht's in it! Wunderbah photos and funny comments-we are killing ourselves laughing mostly and is very amused as well.No great dramas here-all is ticking over.Nice Autumn weather thank you.We look forward to your next hilarious installment! Now...for the next step! Love, Mum and Dad.(Blow URL contains illegal characters)

    1. Well done!! You managed to post a comment! :) That must have been an 'interesting' concert!!

  3. Well, what can I say . . . I'm disappointed the "I have confidence" video wouldn't load! I was really looking forward to seeing that. It was great to see the mountains from the train the other day - I'm sure you had a "gute fahrt" (good ride) through Austria to Switzerland.

    Deuteronomy 31:8, "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Be encouraged as you continue to head toward your time in Africa, that you are going to make a difference!

    Miss you both heaps! Kia kaha, kia manawanui, arohanui xoxoxo

    1. You'll have to request a private viewing upon our return.
      Thanks for the bible verse.
      Love you


Thank you so much for your comments & prayers.
Karlyn and Jono